
quote of the day

" I have to be honest...I like wikipanion, ALOT."

"I use the clock, ALOT. It's a really nice clock.


1 comment:

gavitron said...

But really, putting all playfulness aside. The iphone is just a convenience consolidating a phone, ipod, portable TV, radio, level, gaming system, picture library, clock, internet, email, pocket translator, yellow and white pages, gps system, mapping device, frivolous musical instruments, recipe organizer, price comparison tool, newspaper, reader, scriptures, dictionary, financial organizer, remote control, calculator, full encyclopedia(wikipanion) calendar, primitive camera and so much more, into a well designed and usable device. Many other phones had similar functions, but I would never have used them because they were so cumbersome. If you don't use any of the above, then the iphone won't give you much utility.
Compactness and consolidation has just made my life simpler, and cheaper too.