
The Adrian Strikes Again

Really you're surprised?


Things did not get any clearer



Thoughts on an Adrianism

It would be more honest if he replaced the phrase "that is so pedestrian" with "that is so proletarian".


midget olivia

my family saw this photo and asked why everyone in my class was so tall.
i was crouching, ok? you know, like you do when you get in front of a whole group. except i forgot i'm already 5'2" anyway.
it was so great to see you on such late notice! sad i didn't get to see the rest of you.


Communicating boring ideas through story

This is my new favorite music video! You should watch it in HD on Youtube with the volume up full.


The sincerest form of flattery....

You guys saw these right? They're all over facebook. It kinda makes me want to puke but not in a bad way...


My BFA show

I need a few more likes to get my own facebook domain. If you would like me here:

Also check out the website associated with my show. You can find the link here:


My BFA Show

If you are in Utah, I hope that you can stop by and see my BFA show.

More pictures and video coming soon.
Check out the blog associated with the show:



christmas is only 10 months away.

I can think of someone who might find a use for these.

I accidentally created this post and I don't know how to remove it.

How embarrassing.